Saturday, February 18, 2012

I love this shot! But I do not intend to blame or pointing fingers at any party! But we as humans are blessed with the heart and mind must discern the authentic and which are false. Why is only one party is often blamed when the injustice is defended? Ponder and think deeply

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dibatas Waktu

Aku kembali mencoret ke dalam blog. Aku tidak tahu kenapa, ada masanya aku kesempitan idea untuk menulis, tidak seperti dahulu, setiap hari aku tidak akan pernah gagal menulis walau hanya sebaris ayat.

Idea must be paralleled with current time, tetapi kadang-kadang aku masih di belenggu masa silam dan di gamit memory semalam. Hari-hari yang aku lalui ada kalanya menggembirakan, menakutkan dan meresahkan, namun aku tidak kan dapat menjangkakan apa yang akan berlaku pada keesokan harinya.

This heart suddenly lulled when heard a beautiful melodious song with the verses of lyrics so poetic that seemed to dragged this heart. Dibatas Waktu is the title song sung by Malaysian Sweet Heart, Dato Siti Nurhaliza.

Lagu ini yang seolah-olah menyedarkan aku betapa kerdilnya diri ini....

Setiba kita di batas masa
Nobat nafiri tiada bernada
Sehelai daun kering berayunan layu
Menanti saat di bawa bayu

Langit mendung hujan pun gerimis
Sayup terdengar sendu dan tangis
Bertitian bisikan kalimah nan suci
Berdoa mudahkan perjalanan
Terakhir ini

Berat mata memandang
Berat lagi tanggungan
Bebanan perasaan
Kendati pun sejarah
Dosa pahala pastikan di kira

Bagai terasa keresahan di jiwamu
Bagai terdengar suara meruntum kalbu
Tiada walau sesaga di bawa pergi
Tak berharga puja dan puji

Kala jantungmu bagai laut bergelombang
Lemah cengkaman jejarimu di genggaman
Betapa sukar untuk kita menerima
Tiba detik pasti terpisah
Di batas masa

Wake-Up Syahrul

Been a while I thought ... why do I feel like still looking for something? Am I happy with my life every day routine? Sometimes the tears welling up when I saw the success of those who are around me. I see them happy with their lives and the satisfaction reflected on their faces with what they are doing.There were times when I look back and I saw all sorts of difficulties which I've been encountered. I also truly want to feel how the satisfaction of doing something that I loved. Do I have to make the wrong constellation, but I never tried to move? I was wondering, what I want and what I was looking for exactly? However, nowhere in the heart, pent a sense where I really want to do something that I aspire, but I realized that, although I am interested in a particular field is half dead, but at the same time I should be aware of who I am and know where I stand ground. However, I seem unable to contain my love for the field, and I always imagine that they are me, and I am happy with what I was doing at that time. Unfortunately, I returned to myself as the previous ones when what i see has ended. I am aware, the colors of my life is filled with frustration, grief and wounds, but I should not let myself swept away. I can not remain like this, I had to stand back in the real world. I had to wake up!